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Virginia attorney general to expand Rockingham voter disenfranchisement case statewide (Star Tribune)

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Video: Deadly violence erupts between Israel, Hamas

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Source: http://video.msnbc.msn.com/nightly-news/49553292/

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While the email account you're currently using—be it Gmail, Yahoo, or heaven forbid, Hotmail—may be free, there is a real cost associated you may not be accounting for: your time. Every email that you have to archive, delete, or report costs you seconds of your life. Every store you've ever bought something from that now thinks it can send you emails whenever is stealing your time. But there are real, important emails in your inbox that you don't want to miss. So you slog through hundreds of emails for the few that matter. More »

Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/gizmodo/full/~3/aNCDLFjZfYc/an-organized-inbox-is-your-dealzmodo+exclusive-deal-of-the-day

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Did bacteria spark evolution of multicellular life?

ScienceDaily (Oct. 23, 2012) ? Bacteria have a bad rap as agents of disease, but scientists are increasingly discovering their many benefits, such as maintaining a healthy gut.

A new study now suggests that bacteria may also have helped kick off one of the key events in evolution: the leap from one-celled organisms to many-celled organisms, a development that eventually led to all animals, including humans.

Published this month in the inaugural edition of the new online journal eLife, the study by University of California, Berkeley, and Harvard Medical School scientists involves choanoflagellates (aka "choanos"), the closest living relatives of animals. These microscopic, one-celled organisms sport a long tail or flagellum, tentacles for grabbing food and are members of the ocean's plankton community. As our closest living relative, choanos offer critical insights into the biology of their last common ancestor with animals, a unicellular or colonial organism that lived and died over 650 million years ago.

"Choanoflagellates evolved not long before the origin of animals and may help reveal how animals first evolved," said senior author Nicole King, UC Berkeley associate professor of molecular and cell biology.

Since first starting to study choanoflagellates as a post-doc, King has been trying to figure out why some choanoflagellates live their lives as single cells, while others form colonies. After years of dead ends, King and undergraduate researcher Richard Zuzow discovered accidentally that a previously unknown species of bacteria stimulates one choanoflagellate, Salpingoeca rosetta, to form colonies. Because bacteria were abundant in the oceans when animals first evolved, the finding that bacteria influence choano colony formation means it is plausible that bacteria also helped to stimulate multicellularity in the ancestors of animals.

"I would be surprised if bacteria did not influence animal origins, since most animals rely on signals from bacteria for some part of their biology," King said. "The interaction between bacteria and choanos that we discovered is interesting for evolutionary reasons, for understanding how bacteria interact with other organisms in the oceans, and potentially for discovering mechanisms by which our commensal bacteria are signaling to us."

No one is sure why choanoflagellates form colonies, said one of the study's lead authors, UC Berkeley post-doctoral fellow Rosanna Alegado. It may be an effective way of exploiting an abundant food source: instead of individual choanoflagellates rocketing around in search of bacteria to eat, they can form an efficient bacteria-eating "Death Star" that sits in the middle of its food source and chows down.

Whatever the reasons, colonies of unicellular organisms may have led the way to more permanent multicellular conglomerations, and eventually organisms composed of different cell types specialized for specific functions.

Sequencing the choanoflagellate genome

King's 12-year search for the trigger of choanoflagellate colony development was reignited in 2005 when she started to prime cultures of the choanoflagellate S. rosetta for a genome sequencing project. The sequencing of another choanoflagellate, the one-celled Monosiga brevicollis, gave some clues into animal origins, but she needed to compare its genome to that of a colony-forming choanoflagellate.

Surprisingly, when Zuzow tried to isolate the colony-forming choanoflagellate by adding antibiotics to the culture dish to kill off residual bacteria, strange things happened, said King.

"When he treated the culture with one cocktail of antibiotics, he saw a bloom of rosette colony formation," she said, referring to the rose petal-shaped colonies that were floating in the culture media. "When he treated with a different cocktail of antibiotics, that got rid of colony formation altogether."

That "rather mundane but serendipitous observation" led Zuzow and Alegado to investigate further and discover that only one specific bacterial species in the culture was stimulating colony formation. When other bacteria outnumbered it, or when antibiotics wiped it out, colony formation stopped. Alegado identified the colony-inducing bacteria as the new species, Algoriphagus machipongonensis. While she found that other bacteria in the Algoriphagus genus can also stimulate colony formation, other bacteria like E. coli, common in the human gut, cannot.

Working with Jon Clardy of Harvard Medical School, a natural products chemist, the two labs identified a molecule -- a fatty acid combined with a lipid that they called RIF-1 -- that sits on the surface of bacteria and is the colony development cue produced by the bacteria.

"This molecule may be betraying the presence of bacteria," Alegado said. "Bacteria just sit around blebbing off little membrane bubbles, and if one of them has this molecule, the choanoflagellates all of a sudden say, 'Aha, there are some bacteria around here.'"

The signal sets off a predetermined program in the choanoflagellate that leads to cell division and the development of rosettes, she said. The molecule RIF-1 is remarkably potent; choanos detect and respond to it at densities that are about one billionth that of the lowest concentration of sugar that humans can taste in water.

"We are investigating this molecule from many sides. How and why do bacteria make it? How do choanoflagellates respond to it, and why?" King said. She and her team also are analyzing the genome of the colony-forming choanoflagellate and the colony-inducing bacteria for clues to their interaction.

King hopes that this unexpected signaling between choanoflagellates and bacteria can yield insights into other ways in which bacteria influence biology, particularly the biology of the gut.

Coauthors with King, Alegado and Clardy are Zuzow, now a graduate student at Stanford University; Laura Brown, now a faculty member at Indiana University; Shugeng Cao and Renee Dermenjian of Harvard Medical School; and Stephen Fairclough of UC Berkeley. Dermenjian is now at Merck.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of California - Berkeley. The original article was written by Robert Sanders.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Rosanna A Alegado, Laura W Brown, Shugeng Cao, Renee K Dermenjian, Richard Zuzow, Stephen R Fairclough, Jon Clardy, Nicole King. A bacterial sulfonolipid triggers multicellular development in the closest living relatives of animals. eLife, 2012; 1 DOI: 10.7554/eLife.00013

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/~3/jc083uSCCwo/121024101758.htm

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বুধবার, ২৪ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Government to delay badger cull

Owen Paterson: Need to ensure "the cull will conform to the scientific criteria and the evidence base"

The government has announced it will delay a planned cull of badgers in England until next summer, after widespread protests against the scheme.

Environment Secretary Owen Paterson said this was necessary to "get it right" and the "optimal time" for this year had passed.

Under coalition plans, several thousand badgers could be shot, in an effort to reduce levels of bovine tuberculosis.

The anti-cull campaigner and Queen guitarist Brian May welcomed the delay.

Ministers have given approval for a cull in two areas, Gloucestershire and west Somerset, as part of efforts to control bovine TB.

Under the plans, badgers will be shot in the open without first being trapped in cages, which is current practice.

Opponents, including the RSPCA, say that is inhumane, with an e-petition to the government attracting more than 160,000 signatures.


In a statement to MPs, Mr Paterson said the cull "should have begun" earlier this summer but had been delayed until after the Olympics and Paralympics, with recent bad weather also hampering preparations.

But he said that the alternative - a vaccine - was only 50% to 60% effective, adding: "I'm entirely convinced that the badger cull is the right thing to do."

The National Farmers' Union is leading the preparations for the scheme, but Mr Paterson said it had written to him asking for a delay, as this was not the best time of year to go ahead.

He said badger numbers in Gloucestershire and Somerset were higher than had been previously thought, adding: "It's crucial that we get this right."

The government's plan is based on the results of a nine-year trial which showed the spread of the disease could be slowed slightly if more than 70% of badgers in an area could be eradicated. But if it was less than 70%, the spread of TB could increase, it found.

Mr Paterson said: "It would be wrong to go ahead if those on the ground cannot be confident of removing at least 70% of the population."

He added: "By starting the pilots next summer, we can build on the work that's already been done and ensure that the cull will conform to the scientific criteria and the evidence base."

'No answer'

For Labour Mary Creagh, shadow environment secretary, called the government's handling of the badger cull "incompetent and shambolic".

"Once again, ministers present the House with a disaster entirely of their own making. Once again, it's farmers and taxpayers who are left counting the cost," she said.

"Bovine TB is a terrible disease for farmers, their families and their communities. But this cull was never going to be a silver bullet."

RSPCA chief executive Gavin Grant said: "We welcome this postponement, but this must not be a temporary reprieve, but must mark an end to all cull plans.

"Science, the public and MPs from all parties had said very clearly that a cull is no answer to bovine TB."

Brian May, who has campaigned against the cull, called the government announcement "at least a temporary reprieve".

He added: "But let's be very clear: this is a scientifically flawed, ethically reprehensible, economically unjustifiable and reckless policy that needs to be abandoned, once and for all."

But Peter Jones, president of the British Veterinary Association, said: "The science has not changed. Scientists agree that culling badgers does reduce the levels of infection in cattle herds, and we know that no country has dealt with bovine TB without tackling the disease in wildlife."

The Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs says the cull is necessary to protect cattle from bovine TB.

Last year, 26,000 cattle in England had to be slaughtered after contracting the disease.

The Welsh government has opted for a system of vaccination while Scotland is officially TB-free.

Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-20039697#sa-ns_mchannel=rss&ns_source=PublicRSS20-sa

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Obama volunteers at Boulder polls draw complaint from GOP

FORT COLLINS???Some on-campus supporters of President Barack Obama got a little overzealous on the first day of early voting at Colorado State University.

Pro-Obama signs were placed near the entrance to the early voting location, leading to a formal complaint by the Colorado Republican Party to the Larimer County Clerk.

Colorado election law states that electioneering is not permitted within 100 feet of polling locations.

Colorado Secretary of State Scott Gessler said the problems identified by the state GOP had been corrected. "Every election cycle, you'll get overzealous people who step over the line. It was fixed today."

Read more of the article Obama volunteers at Boulder polls draw complaint from GOP at 9News.com.

Source: http://www.denverpost.com/politics/ci_21840423/obama-volunteers-at-boulder-polls-draw-complaint-from?source=rss

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U.S. consumer agency to supervise debt collectors

(Reuters) - The U.S. consumer agency will begin closely supervising about 175 debt collectors for the first time starting in January, widening the new watchdog's oversight of consumer lending.

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) said on Wednesday it had finalized plans to oversee larger firms in the industry to make sure debt collectors treat Americans fairly.

The agency said it will determine whether debt collectors properly disclose the amount owed, maintain accurate data about consumer debt, and address consumer complaints quickly.

"We want all companies to realize that the better business choice is to follow the law ? not break it," CFPB Director Richard Cordray said in a statement.

The 2010 Dodd-Frank financial law created the bureau and directed it to oversee consumer financial products such as mortgages, student loans and credit cards.

It also allowed the CFPB to extend its oversight to larger non-bank companies participating in consumer financial markets.

The CFPB will supervise firms with more than $10 million in annual receipts from consumer debt collection. About 30 million Americans have outstanding debt that is subject to collection, the agency estimates.

Firms involved in debt collection try to get money from delinquent borrowers for a fee, buy up debt from lenders and recover what is owed, or collect money through litigation.

Encore Capital Group Inc and Asset Acceptance Capital Corp are among the biggest companies in the industry.

Debt collectors sometimes pass on consumers' collection status to credit agencies, which issue the credit reports that banks and other lenders use to determine whether to lend money and what interest rates to charge, the CFPB said.

"If they get the information wrong, this can be the difference between getting approved or denied for such financial products as a mortgage or a car loan," the agency said.

The CFPB in September began supervising credit reporting agencies that take in more than $7 million each year, including Equifax, Experian and TransUnion.

Cordray has said those industries were chosen partly due to the role they are playing in consumers' lives after the 2007-2009 financial crisis.

When the bureau begins overseeing debt collectors, it will be able to keep an eye on every stage of the lending process, the CFPB said.

The CFPB said on Wednesday it also released the field guide that examiners will use to supervise debt collectors.

(Reporting By Emily Stephenson; Editing by Steve Orlofsky)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/u-consumer-agency-supervise-debt-collectors-040455590--sector.html

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What is Proprietary NIA-114??

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Source: http://justnorahs.blogspot.com/2012/10/product-review-strivectin-wh-photo.html

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PST's MLS rankings: Kansas City No. 1

(Nos. 11-19 are here)

10. Vancouver Whitecaps ??Congratulations to the Whitecaps, the first Canadian side to make an MLS playoff appearance, never mind Toronto?s five-year head start. Your reward: a trip to Los Angeles in a one-game elimination contest. Unless Martin Rennie?s men find a lot of offense over the next week or so, the club?s season will be extended by about four days.

(MORE: Hard to like Vancouver?s playoff chances)

9. Houston Dynamo ??Houston finished its home season unbeaten and clinched a playoff spot, but there?s still a lot of play for. Three points from a Round 34 trip into Colorado could be the difference between playing at home (We mentioned they are unbeaten there, right?) or playing on the road in the 4th-vs.-5th elimination match. It might even mean avoiding that opening-round match altogether. All of that tells us manager Dominic Kinnear is even more likely to use a team of reservists in tonight?s CONCACAF Champions League contest.

8. New York Red Bulls ??Difficult to say how RBNY fans should feel about last week?s scoreless draw at home. I mean, ?scoreless draw at home? is never a good place to start a conversation about a talented team with playoff ambition. On the other hand, New York took it to the Eastern Conference champs. Sporting Kansas City needed a herculean effort from goalkeeper Jimmy Nielsen to preserve the shutout. Teemu Tainio had one of his best outings in months; they need more of that, and less of his diminished 2012 form.

7. Chicago Fire ? Going into the playoffs on up-and-down roller coaster form reduces the post-season to a toss-up. The ?good? Fire apparently remained home in Chicago? last weekend, while the ?bad? Fire went limp in a 1-0 loss at New England. In further bad news, the Fire (don?t forget, we were talking about Frank Klopas? men challenging for East?s top spot just a couple of weeks ago) could tumble all way to fifth if they aren?t careful; they finish at home against D.C. United this week.

6. D.C. United ??Man, throw in a little SexyBack and Timbaland and it?s 2006 all over again! The RFK Stadium stands were full (?down-sized? full, anyway) and the team secured a playoff spot, its first since 2007. Ben Olsen?s team secured post-season passage in a thriller, a 3-2 win over Columbus secured on a late goal by reservist?Lewis Neal (pictured above along with Olsen). Oh, and if you haven?t seen it, check out Branko Boskovic?s clever, no-look pass to arrange Neal?s goal;?it?s sure worth a look.

5. Real Salt Lake ??What RSL general manager Garth Lagerwey says about tonight?s CONCACAF Champions League match, where the Utah side requires a win over Costa Rica?s CS Herediano to move into next year?s elimination stage: ?It is a massive game. Pretending it?s not won?t make it go away. And I think everybody understands that ? from the players in the locker room to the fans. They know what it?s all about.? ?Meanwhile, they still hope to finish with flourish in league matters; a contest at home against Vancouver could vault RSL past Seattle, a better place to be in case teams ahead of them stumble en route to MLS Cup 2012.

4. Los Angeles Galaxy ??All the extracurriculars took center stage after Sunday?s 2-2 draw in San Jose, a match that was either rough and tumble and full of hard-nosed stuff ? or the very embodiment of why MLS needs to tamp down reckless and overly aggressive play. It all depends on your viewpoint. Meanwhile, Landon Donovan and David Beckham are back at practice for the club, which is locked into fourth place. They?ll host Vancouver on Oct. 31 in an MLS playoff elimination match.

(MORE: Omar Gonzalez calls San Jose?s MO ?embarrassing?)

3. Seattle Sounders ??Smart, opportunistic soccer, not to mention some strong finishing, carried a 3-1 win over FC Dallas and helped secure the Sounders? playoff positioning. This week?s trip into Los Angeles looks tricky. Does coach Sigi Schmid risk a confidence beat-down and slippage in positioning for MLS Cup hosts right by deploying reservists? On the other hand, doing so could mean some beneficial rest for the coming post-season charge.

source: Getty Images

2. San Jose Earthquakes ? C?mon, Wondo ? just one more goal! (Or maybe two more, so you aren?t sharing the record.) Chris Wondolowski (pictured right) has one more contest to match Roy Lassiter?s 17-year-old MLS mark for goals scored in a season. With a match in Portland set for Round 34, the Earthquakes? striker sits on 26 goals. He?s lobbying Frank Yallop for as much playing time as possible, and the team is committed in its efforts to help ?Wonder Wondo? achieve the record. Who says the Supporters Shield winners don?t have anything to play for on the final weekend?

(MORE: a huge week around the San Jose Earthquakes organization)

1. Sporting Kansas City ??It took big stuff from goalkeeper Jimmy Nielsen to keep New York out of goal in Saturday?s 0-0 draw at Red Bull Arena. The team definitely misses Roger Espinoza, who needs to heal up quickly for the men of Livestrong to have the best chance in playoff encounters ahead. Meanwhile, SKC loyalists have themselves an interesting debate going: Lawrence Olum or Aurelien Collin as Matt Besler?s center back partner? It?s most been Olum lately, although Collin got the call in last week?s shutout against New York.

Source: http://prosoccertalk.nbcsports.com/2012/10/23/the-top-ten-in-prosoccertalks-weekly-mls-rankings-15/related/

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Tips To Market Your Business Online And Profit

You have probably come to the realization that making a profit is the driving force for your Internet marketing strategy. Of course you enjoy being self employed and feel a passion for providing excellent content, services and merchandise; however, your underlying motivation must be profit! The article below has advice that can help you.

Offer products at discounted prices to increase profits. You can display the new, discounted price right beside the regular price, or simply offer a set discount on the entire order. For quicker sales, offer the special prices and discounts for a limited time.

Make sure that your website is both current and intriguing. The heart of any Internet marketing strategy should be your website. It should draw people in and make them want to stick around. The layout should make people to stay around the website and look at everything.

Determine whether your marketing campaign is a success or a failure by checking how many sales you get per 1000 affiliate clicks. Many companies have tools that you can install on your web server to track visitor behavior.

Always follow up a sale by positively interacting with customers. Solicit reviews and feedback from customers who have just bought something from you.

Internet marketing does not have to take place solely on the internet. Invite bloggers to conferences so you can meet them in person. You can improve a community feeling this way, making bloggers want to write all about your product or service.

Consider having a discussion forum so that customers can leave messages for you and chat with each other. This helps it to feel more like a group where people belong and share a common bond, instead of just some place where they shop. People like to feel they belong to a group, and if you have them thinking that your company is a group, they are more likely to stick around.

Offering a free course can be a great way of channeling customer interest to your website. This is an excellent Internet marketing strategy as you can package the course with a related product that will entice your customers to buy. Information, like a course in some trade, will be greatly appreciated by individuals who stop by your site. It?s a reason to keep stopping by.

Write articles about your business and send them to magazines for publishing. Always add your website and business information in the ?about me? section of your article. In exchange for them publishing your articles, offer the editors incentives such as freebies and affiliate commissions.

Now that you have read the information from above, you should be familiar with many different ways you can make your business profitable through Internet marketing. You can still hold true to your ideals, and enjoy what you do, but you will be making a profit at the end of the day.

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Video: Fiscal Cliff Concerns: Running Out of Time

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Source: http://video.msnbc.msn.com/cnbc/49515496/

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What Does Your Brand Stand For? | Michael Litman

October 22nd, 2012 Posted by litmanlivecouk

Some of the world?s most successful brands have been hard at work on their profiling for many years, which has put them in a category of their own. We know them from their branding, and not so much for their actual products.

We love what they stand for, and as a result, we like buying their stuff. That is exactly what branding is all about. You have to make sure people like what your product or service conveys. People have to be able to identify with the things you are trying to sell. If they do, that?s when you know you are doing your business branding the right way.

Have a look at these different business branding characterizations and see if one of them fits your brand. You can always research respective companies to see how they have succeeded in branding their businesses. There are a few examples in each category here that you can start with and then branch out.

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Source: http://www.litmanlive.co.uk/blog/2012/10/what-does-your-brand-stand-for/

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মঙ্গলবার, ২৩ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Tyrur Stefani and Trickys Biscuit in collision for the Gloria Harper ...

Tyrur Stefani and Trickys Biscuit in collision for the Gloria Harper 65th Birthday Stakes

Attempting to add another success on the profile by claiming the Grade OR Gloria Harper 65th Birthday Stakes are six highly talented and versatile hounds. They will race over 500 metres flat on Tuesday, 23rd October, 2012 at Sheffield. The prize money set for the race is ?200.

Breaking in red will be, Tyrur Stefani, and racing in black and white from the other extreme end will be, Hather Sherlock. The four contestants lined up in between are Patterdale Cejay, Trickys Biscuit, Hather George and Pats Legacy.

Not all who are participating have raced at the track recently, but there are two candidates who have made the best out of the chance that they were exposed to.

Tyrur Stefani and Trickys Biscuit have raced at the track recently, however both do not have anything to be proud of in the outcome of the last races.

The 6 to 1 red trap, Tyrur Stefani, won the Sheffield Stadium Maiden 500 on 9th October, 2012 at Sheffield over 500 metres. She had drawn the second trap, worked on increasing her distance from the rest of the lot, and made the transit to the other end by staying in lead throughout the track distance.

Missing the winner?s prize money by a length?s mark was, Trickys Biscuit, while filling up the third position was, Friends Said No.

The try on 18th October, 2012 at Monmore did not turn out to be the most desired as she ended fourth in the Ladbrokes Game On Bitches 480 Heat 2. She took off from the first trap while the race was won by, Forest Dot, who concluded the race in 28.89 seconds.

Im Tricky?s three-year-old black and white dog out of, Local Lady, Trickys Biscuit, qualified as the runner-up in the Sheffield Stadium Maiden 500 on 9th October, 2012 at Sheffield over 500 metres.

The reason for the failure of the third trap was the lead that he could not hold a firm grip on. He missed the chance by a length from, Tyrur Stefani. Both will collide tonight, and who will end at which position will unfold soon.

The R. Holt trained is backed by 7 to 1 odds and will race from the third trap.

The views expressed in this article are the writer's own and in no way represent bettor.com?s official editorial policy.



Source: http://blogs.bettor.com/Tyrur-Stefani-and-Trickys-Biscuit-in-collision-for-the-Gloria-Harper-65th-Birthday-Stakes-a196978

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Oscars Debbie to show supremacy in A2 400m Flat at Romford - Bettor

Oscars Debbie to show supremacy in A2 400m Flat at Romford

J. Reynolds? 2-year-old, Oscars Debbie, is a proven winner, and looks to be in an excellent position to offer more in the A2 400m Flat, being hosted by Romford on Monday, October 22, 2012.

Her recent stats do not carry any holes. She jumped up to this level following an outstanding win earlier this month. In an A3 meeting, the bitch impressed everyone by taking a classy neck-distance win over Scala Vixen.

After leaving the first trap, she managed to get early pace, which really helped her lead at the second bend. She found no problem afterwards. After a superb win, the fans were expecting her to achieve more good results, but unfortunately that did not happen.

The black bitch went through a lot mess the following time, and eventually ended up fifth on the chart. She baulked before getting crowded in the middle stages, and it was very difficult to recover from there.

The daughter of Honcho Classic showed some improvement last time. Despite getting bumped early on, she succeeded in keeping herself in the front. The Feb-10 bitch ran on to secure the second place, missing the gold only by one and a quarter lengths.

It was surely an improved act, and a lot more is expected this time. The draw is another major advantage. The bitch only needs to avoid mess in order to thrive.

Other hounds in the 400 metres flat race are: Hometown Day, Bellinter George, Courts Flyer, Moody Blonde and Soho Rage. The event, which is scheduled to start at 21:02 GMT, carries a winning prize of 116 pounds.

Soho Rage is in really bad form, and plenty of urgency is required to make a race of it. Moody Blonde could ultimately find things tough, really tough in fact.

Hometown Day is not enjoying the best of draws, but still he can do some damage. Oscars Debbie certainly needs to stay cautious. Bellinter George should be up for making a solid contribution, but not a winning one. On the other hand, it is not easy to back Courts Flyer, who seems to have nothing in her favour.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the writer's own and do not reflect Bettor.com?s editorial policy.

Source: http://blogs.bettor.com/Oscars-Debbie-to-show-supremacy-in-A2-400m-Flat-at-Romford-a196595

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Hedge Funds Hot for Ailing Greece's Debt

One of the hottest trades of the past few months has been the bonds of a country so shaken by economic and social turmoil that a neo-Nazi party is running third in the polls.

That's right: Hedge funds have been buying Greece.

Ever since Greece completed a debt restructuring in March that turned ?200 billion in bonds into about ?60 billion, distressed-debt investors?many at U.S. hedge funds?have been picking them over. Hedge-fund analysts have flooded Greek finance officials with requests for information. Prices have climbed.

Third Point LLC, based in New York, crowed about Greece in its investor letter earlier ...

Source: http://feeds.wsjonline.com/~r/wsj/xml/rss/3_7012/~3/ZI6p69LJR4E/SB10001424052970203406404578072821982011376.html

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After Libya misfire, pressure on Romney in foreign policy debate

BOCA RATON, Florida (Reuters) - When President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney face off on Monday in their third and final debate, it will be the Republican challenger's last best chance to recover from his botched "Libya moment" and exploit vulnerabilities in his opponent's foreign policy record.

But Romney has an uphill struggle to make his case against Obama, who will be buoyed by the advantages of incumbency as well as polls showing him with an edge - though a shrinking one - on the question of who is more trusted in global affairs.

This week's debate in Boca Raton, Florida, coming just 15 days before the election and devoted entirely to foreign policy, could be the riskiest of the three nationally televised showdowns for Romney, largely because of his inexperience and recent blunders on the world stage.

Romney's missteps in criticizing Obama's handling of a deadly September attack on the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi - the focus of a vividly testy exchange in the previous debate - have complicated his broader strategy of trying to cast the president as a weak steward of American power abroad.

Deprived of one of his most potent lines of attack, expect Romney to instead focus more of his criticism on Obama's policies toward Iran, Israel, Syria, China, Afghanistan and Russia.

"Obama has a record, and Romney doesn't, so he can just cherry-pick the arguments," said Jon Alterman, a former State Department policy planner now at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington. "But that doesn't mean any of it will stick."

Romney's aides hope that chipping away at Obama's credibility on foreign policy and national security - areas the White House once saw as largely immune from Republican attack - can help put him over the top with undecided voters in the final weeks of a White House race still too close to call.

The two men go into their final head-to-head encounter in a dead heat, with an NBC/Wall Street Journal poll showing them tied at 47 percent among likely voters.


Obama's policies have faced setbacks recently, from challenges to U.S. interests in the Middle East to a string of attacks on U.S.-led NATO forces in Afghanistan by the Afghan troops they are supposed to be training.

A report in The New York Times that the Obama administration has agreed in principle with Iran to hold one-on-one talks over Tehran's nuclear program could provide a fresh avenue for Romney to cast Obama as too willing to accommodate. The White House denied any such deal had been reached.

Republican Senator Rob Portman, Romney's sparring partner in mock debates before Monday night, warned Obama against sidelining U.S. allies in the diplomatic front against Iran.

"The other thing that gets interesting about the story, if it's accurate, it sounds like the U.S. is taking a position that we're likely to jettison our allies," he told NBC's "Meet the Press." "The last thing we would want to do is abandon our allies on this and make it a one-on-one negotiation," he said.

It remains to be seen how much traction any of this will have with voters, whose main concerns by far are the economy and jobs.

The problem for Romney is that in focusing on Obama's trouble spots, he also further exposes his own weaknesses.

As former governor of Massachusetts and an ex-businessman, he is out of his comfort zone when not focused on domestic and economic matters.

That was evident in last week's debate when he mistakenly said Obama took weeks to acknowledge that the Benghazi assault - which claimed the lives of the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans - was a terrorist attack.

Obama, who spoke of "acts of terror" in an appearance in the White House Rose Garden the day after the attack, challenged Romney to "check the transcript" and chastised him for trying to score political points from a national tragedy.

A slew of pundits dubbed it Romney's "Libya moment," and some of his own aides conceded privately that Obama got the better of him.

On top of that, Obama managed to shift the focus away from the thornier question of whether the administration had ignored requests to beef up diplomatic security in Libya.

Romney went silent on Libya after Tuesday's encounter but aides say the Republican, hunkered down in debate prep in Florida this weekend, will be ready to deal with it on Monday when it is all but certain to come up again.

What Romney hopes to do is press his point, drowned out in the last debate, that the recent wave of anti-American violence in Libya and other parts of the Middle East shows Obama's foreign policy is "unraveling before our very eyes."

At the same time, he will want to avoid giving Obama another opportunity to go on the offensive.

"I doubt the governor will end up parsing words. That's not the most productive thing to do," said Eliot Cohen, a Romney adviser who was a senior aide to former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice during the Bush administration.

Romney must also show voters he has what it takes to be a capable commander-in-chief, and he will seek to counter any attempt by Obama to "paint him as an insane warmonger," said Cohen, now a foreign policy expert at the Johns Hopkins School of International Studies in Washington.

Obama - who has touted the U.S. withdrawal from Iraq as a signature foreign policy accomplishment - has signaled he could use the debate to caution war-weary voters of the risk of a more hawkish Romney presidency.

Obama himself often mentions that he ordered the U.S. mission that killed Osama bin Laden, and the White House has also touted a deadly drone campaign against al Qaeda leaders.

At a campaign rally in New Hampshire last week, Obama suggested Romney was promoting the kind of foreign policy that "takes us into wars without a plan to get us out."

A Pew Research Center survey, conducted after the first debate but before the second, showed Obama ahead 47 percent to 43 percent on the question of who would make wiser foreign policy decisions. That was much narrower than Obama's 15 percentage-point advantage in a poll early last month.


Romney will be under pressure to sharpen contrasts with Obama when the two men sit side-by-side across the table from moderator Bob Schieffer, known for a cantankerous demeanor with guests on the Sunday morning CBS news show "Face the Nation."

The 90-minute debate will be divided into six segments: America's role in the world; the war in Afghanistan; Israel and Iran; the changing Middle East; terrorism; and China's rise.

Critics have accused Romney of relying on generalities and platitudes - he has hearkened back to Ronald Reagan's "peace through strength" doctrine - and he could be put on the spot if he resists providing specifics.

Romney has promised to tighten the screws over Iran's nuclear program. He has accused Obama of "leading from behind" as Syria's civil war expands, and of a politically timed exit from the unpopular Afghanistan war.

But in each case, critics say, he has not detailed alternatives policies.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/libya-misfire-pressure-romney-foreign-policy-debate-050253989.html

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A whale with a distinctly human-like voice

ScienceDaily (Oct. 22, 2012) ? For the first time, researchers have been able to show by acoustic analysis that whales -- or at least one very special white whale -- can imitate the voices of humans. That's a surprise, because whales typically produce sounds in a manner that is wholly different from humans, say researchers who report their findings in the October 23 issue of Current Biology, a Cell Press publication.

"Our observations suggest that the whale had to modify its vocal mechanics in order to make the speech-like sounds," said Sam Ridgway of the National Marine Mammal Foundation. "Such obvious effort suggests motivation for contact."

It all started in 1984 when Ridgway and others began to notice some unusual sounds in the vicinity of the whale and dolphin enclosure. As they describe it, it sounded as though two people were conversing in the distance, just out of range of their understanding.

Those unusually familiar sounds were traced back to one white whale in particular only some time later when a diver surfaced from the whale enclosure to ask his colleagues an odd question: "Who told me to get out?"

They deduced that those utterances came from a most surprising source: a white whale by the name of NOC. That whale had lived among dolphins and other white whales and had often been in the presence of humans.

In fact, there had been other anecdotal reports of whales sounding like humans before, but in this case Ridgway's team wanted to capture some real evidence. They recorded the whale's sounds to reveal a rhythm similar to human speech and fundamental frequencies several octaves lower than typical whale sounds, much closer to that of the human voice.

"Whale voice prints were similar to human voice and unlike the whale's usual sounds," Ridgway said. "The sounds we heard were clearly an example of vocal learning by the white whale."

That's all the more remarkable because whales make sounds via their nasal tract, not in the larynx as humans do. To make those human-like sounds, NOC had to vary the pressure in his nasal tract while making other muscular adjustments and inflating the vestibular sac in his blowhole, the researchers found. In other words, it wasn't easy.

Sadly, after 30 years at the National Marine Mammal Foundation, NOC passed away five years ago. But the sound of his voice lives on.

Audio file of whale: http://www.eurekalert.org/multimedia/pub/48866.php?from=224114

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Cell Press, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Sam Ridgway, Donald Carder, Michelle Jeffries, Mark Todd. Spontaneous human speech mimicry by a cetacean. Current Biology, 2012; 22 (20): R860 DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2012.08.044

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/top_news/top_environment/~3/EHg1DKoiJqc/121022122052.htm

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Obama, Romney say China needs to play by the rules (The Arizona Republic)

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Guideline: Age, test choice decide if women can go 3 years or 5 between cervical cancer checks

Most women can wait three to five years between checks for cervical cancer, depending on their age and test choice, say guidelines issued Monday.

Many medical groups have long recommended a Pap test every three years for most women. The new advice from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists says that's true for women ages 21 to 29 whose Paps show no sign of trouble.

But for healthy women ages 30 to 65, the preferred check is a Pap plus a test for the cancer-causing HPV virus, the group concluded. If both show everything's fine, they can wait five years for further screening.

The guidelines from the nation's largest OB-GYN organization agree with advice issued earlier this year by a government panel, the American Cancer Society and other medical groups ? showing growing consensus that it's safe for the right women to wait longer between Paps.

Cervical cancer grows so slowly that regular Pap smears, which examine cells scraped from the cervix, can find signs early enough to treat before a tumour even forms.

Certain strains of HPV, the human papillomavirus, cause most cervical cancer, but the infection has to persist for a number of years to do its damage. HPV is a super-common virus in young women, whose bodies usually clear the infection on their own. Thus, health groups don't recommend routinely testing 20-somethings for HPV because it would cause too many false alarms.

A Pap averages around $40; HPV tests can add another $50 to $100.

The guidelines also say:

?Women 30 and older still can choose a Pap alone every three years.

?Screening shouldn't begin before age 21.

?Women over 65 can end screening if prior testing hasn't found problems.




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Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2012/10/22/guideline-age-test-choi_n_2003990.html

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Foreign affairs: 23 new books I wish Obama and Romney would read

President Barack Obama and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney will go head-to-head on Monday, Oct. 22 for the third and final presidential debate, this time with a focus on foreign policy. Here's a list of new and upcoming books on foreign policy that I would like to see on any presidential reading list.

- Kristin Rawls,?Monitor contributor

1. 'The Race for What?s Left: The Global Scramble for the World?s Last Resources,' by Michael T. Klare

"The Race for What?s Left" is a troubling look at accelerated resource depletion and the potential consequences that loom just ahead if nothing changes: food scarcity, environmental calamity, and even new resource wars.?

Source: http://rss.csmonitor.com/~r/feeds/csm/~3/3UE0_aZNNmY/Foreign-affairs-23-new-books-I-wish-Obama-and-Romney-would-read

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aerobraking impeller: Stress Management For Self-Improvement ...

Stress has always been a part of our daily lives. We often find ways to deal it with but can become unbearable when you?re tightly under its grip. The important part here is to take control of stress before it ends up controlling you ? which is to say that you will be making a lot of mistakes that will take quite a lot of time and effort to fix. This is where stress management comes in.

Why Get Rid Of Stress

We can never deny the fact that stress can be a big hindrance in everything you plan to do with your life. It can get in the way of business, career, or even with your family and friends. If you give in to the irritation and anger that is often the result of stress, you are bound to make wrong decisions and plenty of mistakes that will bring you down.

You can lose your job, do badly in a business deal, or even make enemies left and right when you let your stress control you. Learn to control stress and get rid of it every time it crops up for self-improvement.

Find The Source Of Your Stress

Knowing the source of your stress gives you plenty of options to counter it. If your stress stems from overwork, then take some time off from your busy schedule to relax. The home can also become a stressful environment, especially when it?s disorganized. If you think that the design of the interior is giving you problems, then take some time to rearrange the furniture around or add some home d?cor to make it comfortable to look at. Once you are able to determine the problem then you can take the necessary steps to correct it.

Learn To Relax Once In A While

Everyone would agree that work, or the demands of work, is mostly the cause of stress. If you think that you have that wild look in your eyes every time your boss asks you to do something, then you better ask for a vacation leave to relax yourself outside your work area before it leads you into trouble.

Take some time off from your busy schedule and visit the local spa. Pamper yourself by indulging in a full-body massage or get an aromatherapy session going on to help you relax. You can always take a vacation if you really want to get the thoughts of work out of your system, but a massage will do just fine if you can?t afford to be absent from it.

Find The Child Within You

Kids are known to be stress-free. Even if you scold them or force them to eat vegetables, you will never see them suffer from stress. The reason here is with their mindset to enjoy life as they see fit. You can take your cue from them and enjoy life more.

Find your inner child and just play. You can grab your Playstation out of the cabinet and bring out the games you usually play during your free time. Another idea is to listen to your favorite music or read some comics on the Internet. You can even play online games if you like just to get your mind off your work.

Keep in mind that the gist of stress management is not the methods you take for getting stress out of your system. The idea here is to learn how to divert your mind from the problems that causes stress to give yourself time to relax and face the problem with a clear mind.

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